Shapiro MD

Shapiro MD FAQ's

Common questions

If you have any other questions that have not been answered, please email your questions to:

  • How much of the Shapiro MD Shampoo should I use?

    A nickel to quarter size amount.

  • When should I see results?

    The base of the shampoo improves the look and texture of hair within 2 weeks. The other ingredients will continue to improve your hair over the months that you use it.

  • How long do the effects last for?

    Studies of the effects are in process. It will most likely continue to benefit your hair as long as it is used.

  • When should I see results?

    The base of the shampoo improves the look and texture of hair within 2 weeks. The other ingredients will continue to improve your hair over the months that you use it.

  • Am I able to color my hair?

    Yes. It will not interfere with the product.

  • Can I use Rogaine or other similar products along with the Shapiro MD?

    Yes. They may be used together.

  • Can women use this product?

    Post-menopausal women may use the product.

  • Is there a minimum age limit?

    It has not been evaluated in the pediatric age group. Men who are 18 years old and above may use it.

  • Can women of child bearing potential use this product?

    It has not been tested in pregnant or breast feeding women. Therefore, it should not be used by a pregnant, breastfeeding or pregnancy capable woman.

  • When I stop using the shampoo, will I lose the effects of it?

    You gain benefits while using it and may lose the benefits within multiple months after stopping.